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Read more about Gin-Rummy Tournament Rules and the 50th card rule
Read more about Gin-Rummy Tournament Rules and the 50th card rule Posted by webmaster (moderator) Dec 24 2006 9:36PM <a target=_blank href=/gin_rummy_game_rules.shtml#rule50>Read more here about Gin-Rummy Tournament Rules and the 50th card rule</a> <b>Finishing the hand and the 50-th card rule</b> The modern Tournament Gin-Rummy rules add an extra rule to the situation when the stock pile is reduced to the last two cards. It is called the 50th card rule (the fiftieth card rule). If neither player knocks or gins and the 50th card is drawn from the stock pile, leaving two cards there, the 50-th card rule states that both players may have action on the 50th card. In other words, if one player draws the 50th card and doesn't knock, this player has to discard any open card to the discard pile. The opponent, then, will have the option either to take this open card and knock or pass (without taking this open card). If nobody uses the 50th card for knocking, the hand ends in a draw. I must Really be "sumdumdame" Posted by sumdumdame (VIP) Jan 5 2007 12:32PM " ...the 50-th card rule states that both players may have action on the 50th card." Does that really mean "either player" -- I can't see how "both" would work. "In other words, if one player draws the 50th card and doesn't knock, this player has to discard any open card to the discard pile. The opponent, then, will have the option either to take this open card and knock or pass (without taking this open card). " Does that mean that if the opponent takes the open card, he/she MUST knock .... or, "pass (without taking this open card)" ? Thanks ........Sum Gin Rummy's 50-th card rule & its implementation Posted by webmaster (moderator) Jan 5 2007 2:13PM Here's a detailed description for this modern Tournament Gin-Rummy rule: This rule relates to the situation when there are just 3 cards left in the closed stock and the hand is not over yet. Below is a step-by-step description of the game play and possibilities: (1) Player1 takes the 50th card and does not knock (2) Player1 discards some open card to a discard pile (3) At this time, Player2 has an extra "Pass" button that lights up. Player2 also has a red 'guiding' message that he/she can click the "Pass" button & draw this hand or take this open card and knock 4) If Player2 does not knock he/she discards some card to a discard pile and the hand is finished in a draw Posted by sumdumdame (VIP) Jan 5 2007 2:48PM TYVM! |
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